5 Tips To Banish The Pregnancy Bloat

Thereʼs not much worse than feeling bloated and dare we say, bound-up, but itʼs a serious affliction of so many soon-to-be-mummas.
Some women will struggle with digestive issues their whole pregnancy whilst others only feel the symptoms strike occasionally. While an exact cause hasnʼt been highlighted, sluggish bowels and digestive changes are likely to be an affect of the dramatic changes taking place in the body and linked to significant hormonal shifts.
Laxatives and suppositories are not generally recommended for use during pregnancy due to their purgative nature, which may cause uterine contractions and dehydration. However there are plenty of tips and tricks to get you moving and help you feel relieved.
1- Fibre
But not just any old fibre, did you know there is two kinds of fibre? That work in different ways?
Soluble fibre: This helps us feel fuller, and lowers cholesterol, it can also help with constipation. Soluble fibre includes pectins, gums and mucilage from plants. Soluble fibre includes fruits, veggies, oat bran, seed husks, flax seeds, psyllium and dried beans Insoluble fibre: includes cellulose, hemicellulose and lignans which make up structural parts of plant cell walls.
Insoluble fibre is generally bulk-forming and prevents constipation by ensuring a quicker transit time. Bran, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetable skin, dried beans and whole-grains are all good sources of insoluble fibre. Bulk up your breakfast Try Chia pudding and yoghurt topped with flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped brazil nuts, strawberries and medjool dates. Youʼll be getting a great serving of essential minerals, fats and probiotics and having a high fibre breakfast when peristalsis (gut motility) is most active.
2- Hydration – Drink Up Ladies
Growing a baby is thirsty work, and dehydration is not only a common contributor to constipation but is dangerous in pregnancy. In pregnancy your fluid requirements increase rapidly as your baby grows. On average a pregnant woman needs need at least twelve cups of water per day, in hot weather or during air travel, water loss is expedited, and your water requirements increase.
3- Load up on Greens
Bitter foods like Dandelion, Kale and Rocket stimulate bile flow from the liver which assists digestion, the breakdown and absorption of food. Bitters can help stimulate peristalsis and get your bowels moving.
4- Quality Herbal Tea
Bloating often accompanies constipation and medicinal herbal tea can be extremely effective in providing symptomatic relief. MaterniTea's PuriTea Blend from the Maternitea Pregnancy Tea Program contains Peppermint and Ginger which help settle bloating and Marshmallow root which soothes the digestive tract. The pre-determined blends in the program will help ensure your overall health and well-being needs are being met at every stage of your pregnancy not just when issues pop up.
5- Get Movin Mumma
Regular exercise, especially early in the morning when peristalsis is most active, can be exceptionally helpful in moving your bowels and relieving constipation.