Why you’re not ready to get pregnant… yet!
Thinking of starting a family? That’s great news, however, falling pregnant isn’t quite as simple as timing your menstrual cycle with your sexual activity. To fall pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy, first your body must be in prime condition. Pregnancy is both physically and emotionally challenging.
Introducing the Pre-pregnancy Cleanse…
Get Mama-ready with a pre-pregnancy cleanse! Your pregnancy journey really begins the moment you start thinking about having a baby. That could be months before you even start trying, which is the perfect time to begin detoxing your body – and your life. A pre-pregnancy cleanse ensures that you can nourish and assist your beautiful body to prepare for a vibrant and healthy pregnancy and a strong and happy baby.
What you eat greatly affects how your body functions, from energy and sleep patterns to regular menstrual cycles, a pre-pregnancy cleanse will support your fertility and ability to fall pregnant.
1- Start the MaterniTea Pregnancy Tea Program.
A specially designed selection of 100% Organic and Caffeine Free Herbal Teas, designed to cleanse and detoxify your body and stimulate the reproductive organs. MaterniTea's Pre-pregnancy cleanse blends are the perfect way to seriously increase your vitamin and mineral intake and flush your body with antioxidants. Your MaterniTea Dieticians have also created specific meal plans to support your body and optimize your chances of falling pregnant.
2- Love your liver
Optimal liver function is vital in cleansing the blood and supporting bowel clearance, this helps to rid the body of excess hormones resulting from hormonal contraception or conditions of excess estrogen. Regulating your hormones means supporting regular healthy cycles, crucial for fertility.
3- Greens
Bitter foods and lots of fibre, thatʼs dark leafy greens like kale and rocket and lots of whole grains.
4- Avoid alcohol
Regular or excessive alcohol consumption can affect womenʼs fertility by causing heavy, irregular periods, impacting ovulation and making it harder to conceive. Alcohol consumption is dangerous in pregnancy and the cause of fetal-alcohol syndrome.
5- Limit caffeine
Caffeine is found in regular and decaf coffee, green, black and chai tea, cocoa and chocolate. Caffeine can prolong the time it takes to become pregnant and then affect the health of your developing baby. Whilst one caffeine-containing beverage is generally considered safe, itʼs best to opt for a caffeine-free pregnancy, so cut down now and enjoy your MaterniTea FertiliTea blend with your breakfast instead.
6- Quit smoking
With proven impacts on the health of your baby, thereʼs never been a better time to quit smoking for good. Smoking during pregnancy is linked to a low birth weight and birth defects, women who smoke are more likely to be infertile women and take longer to conceive.
7- Whatʼs on the outside counts too
Whilst opting for fresh, local, organic food may seem obvious, what goes on our bodies is just as important as what goes in them. Our skin our bodies largest organ, is capable of absorbing what it comes in contact with. Re-consider those products you use regularly on your skin, hair and in your home, whatʼs really in them?
Start your MaterniTea Journey today. Click Here
Gabrielle Jansen BNat MNHAA