When To Make Your Pregnancy Announcement (And Some Melt-Your-Heart Ways To Do It!)

Finding out you are pregnant, especially if you have been trying for a while, is such an exciting moment and your first instinct may be to call everyone you know. While there are no hard and fast rules on when to make your pregnancy announcement, here are some thoughts on when to let the cat out of the bag.
When to make your pregnancy announcement
For our mothers and grandmothers, it wasn’t until three periods had been missed that a doctor would 100 per cent confirm a pregnancy. Now, we have those magic little sticks which tell us the happy news even a couple of days before the four-week mark.
So do you share straight away? Couples who choose to stay quiet usually wait until the nine to twelve-week mark to announce their pregnancy as this is when the chance of miscarriage drops significantly.
But let’s face it, twelve weeks can feel like forever!
If you absolutely can’t wait to tell someone you’re expecting, you can always confide in your close family and friends. When you make the announcement, make sure you ask these people to keep a tight lid on the news. There have been many an overexcited sister, mother-in-law or bestie who have gone straight to Facebook to share their excitement without thinking.
Deciding when to make your pregnancy announcement can also depend on other factors. For example, if you are suffering from terrible morning sickness, the people around you may put two and two together. You’ll notice some raised eyebrows and some may come right out with the question, particularly if they know you well. It can be difficult to explain to your boss why you need so much time off so in this case honesty is usually the best policy.
If you work in a hazardous industry or a job which keeps you on your feet, you may also need to disclose your pregnancy to your employer early to keep yourself and your growing baby safe. They will appreciate the heads up and should be able to make changes to accommodate your needs while still being discrete about your news.
One thing to consider as you decide when to make your pregnancy announcement is friends or family who are having a hard time trying to conceive. Although most people will be more than happy to hear about your pregnancy, it is still considered polite to find a sensitive and sympathetic way to share the news.
When you do decide to approach the subject, make sure to do it privately. Don’t act as though they are not struggling or going through a rough time, just be open and honest. Take their feelings into consideration but also make sure not to take their response personally, as they may need some time to work through their emotions. As you may have experienced yourself, your friend or loved one will most likely be pleased to share your joy, but may need some extra time to deal with their own feelings about the subject.
Once you have decided when to make your pregnancy announcement, the next thing to decide is how to do it! Here are some of our favourite pregnancy announcement ideas:
Say Cheese!
Lately, a most popular way to announce your pregnancy is to book a pregnancy announcement photo shoot or ask a friend to take a few shots of you and your partner. These are lovely to share and make a great keepsake. There are heaps of cute ideas on Instagram, from using ultrasound photos to using chalk creatively.
Think outside the box and have some fun with your partner when planning your pics.
Get social
Once you have told the people who are most special to you, tell the rest of your friends with a post on social media. This way you can let everyone know the fantastic news at the same time.
Lots of people are using flat lay style pics to let everyone know the good news and there is no shortage of flat lay inspiration online:
* Flat lay inspiration on Instagram
Another cute idea is to tap into your own interests and be playful. Use this announcement from a wine lover and this hilarious update from a cat owner as inspiration.
Include the kids
If this is not your first rodeo, you may want to find a way to include your kids in the announcement. Get them involved and help them share the joy of being promoted to a big sibling! Take some fun photos like this cute announcement or take it a step further by helping your little one perfect the recipe for a little brother or sister like this family did.
Looking for a healthy beverage to toast your big news? Take a look at Maternitea’s first-trimester range.